
Ramble On

A conversation betwixt Hobo and eM

Hobo: I don't get why only boys are writing in to my Honesty Box (on facebook).
eM: Someone wrote in thinking that I'm pretentious and that I'm actually a lot smarter than I let on.........was it you?
Hobo: No. Was it a girl? It's pink for a girl.
eM: How original. Yes it's a girl. They're all girls!
Hobo: It wasn't me. (It's all me actually hahaha) Anyway so someone wrote in saying I love your tits and the personality that comes with them.

*community chuckle*

Hobo: I know who it is, we have a rather frank and open dialogue between us.
eM: You do? Only girls write in to me....there's another one it goes blah blah blah blah.
Hobo: That was me. So I figure this means I'm the personalititty.
eM: Personalititty? Can I use it?
Hobo: Them? No. It? No.



What happened to good ol' fashioned doing it?

(Chat courtesy KVA)

me: im damn sleepy man

just dont feel like working

Sputnik: why... slept late?

me: kinda, n broken sleep n shit

Sputnik: why.. man..

me: i dont think u wanna get into that

Sputnik: i see you're life is pretty rockin!!!

me: shit happens man

Sputnik: drugs.. sex.... and rock"n"roll

me: kinda...

something like ur college days

Sputnik: u livin like a rockstar

me: im a little late to burst on the scene

Sputnik: my college days???/

me: u lived that life in college man

Sputnik: u mean.. the girlfriend life!!!!

me: u dont need to attach a term to it dude

just keep it as sex, drugs n rock n roll

since we're on this topic, can u help me with something

Sputnik: cool

me: whts a good condom to go for? :-)

Sputnik: durex....

me: any particular type?

or its all the same

u know, like the ribbed n shit

Sputnik: thin is good

me: cool

Sputnik: you've had the sex before... u dont need help

me: yeah dude, but
i dont know whts the scene on the protection front

the latest technology n shit

besides, theres always more to learn

Sputnik: dont know.. man... havent had sex for a while..

Sputnik: i aint so good at hittin on chicks... ioh my god... his chicks are not to be spoken of

me : R's?

Sputnik: yeah.. man.. really sad choice of women

me: i dont think he operates by choice dude

its about getting what u can

n i think u set very high standards for ur self
ur not brad pitt u know

n u dont have a big flashy fancy car

Sputnik: i know....

me: we guys have to learn to settle with 2nd best

dont go for the girl in the red dress man

Sputnik: i aint going for the dress in the red dress


me: hahahahah

n this S is seeing someone else?

Sputnik: It's K

me: dont get sentu

Sputnik: no she's been interested in some pilot dude.. for a long time...

drives a freakin honda accord!!

but no,, she's not going out.
me: tell the fucker to go fly his plane n give u the accord man

Sputnik: yeah... life is so pretty...

me: n the pilot also likes her

u have to make her understand that pilots are not faithful n shit

they have chicks in every city n all

Sputnik: i know....

me: they have orgies on the plane with the air hostess

Sputnik: hey.. fuck you.. man

me: im just trying to help man

Sputnik: in what way

me: u gotta explain this shit to her

so she doesnt like the pilot dude

Sputnik: explain what?

me: that that is what pilots do dumbass

have orgies with the air hostess' on the plane

Sputnik: aaaaaaah


damn .. mna'

me: stupid fool

Sputnik: she'll get pissed if talk shit like that

me: thats the idea. she shd get pissed at the pilot

Sputnik: no u fool

she'll get pissed at me

Sputnik: man....

u trippin now

me: im just trying to help man

brain storming

Sputnik: appreciate it.. man


Where were you when we were getting high?

Chitgo: check out pics of my newly decked up room from my blog
eM: i did i did!!!
very nice :)
you star decorator, you
Chitgo: :)
so i know the likes of u need personal invitation:)
anytime ur tired after work/or not:)
just swing by
eM: listen, one thing i have learnt from this city
is ALWAYS wait for an invitation
at the risk of being a pile on :)
but, i would love to come and check it out
tomorrow, yes?
Chitgo: :) well honestly the rest of the flat isnt that done up:)
eM: awwwwwwww
are you retracting invite already?
Chitgo: hahah
tomorrow it is!
what time?
eM: i don't know?
Chitgo: 8:30?
eM: ufff
Chitgo: aiiee..baba i wont be home 7ishh
eM: WHY do you want to make me sit at work for so long?
Chitgo: hahahahaha
ok. can we play it by ear then? cos i might be working in late tomorrow
eM: grah
okay, fine
Chitgo: u get angry with me so fast:)
eM: only for you will i play it by ear
Chitgo: thank u
i know u hate playing it by that appendage
but still.
eM: i'm a planner!!
it's my role in the universe
Chitgo: so am i!
to plan?
what a role
eM: rubbish
Chitgo: its my role to be cool
it was in my janampatri
eM: you are not a real planner
Chitgo: i am not the quintissential planner
as u might be
eM: modesty was clearly overlooked
Chitgo: oh absolutely
we couldnt have it all:)
eM: i now am extremely modest
besides being fabulous
like complete package type
Chitgo: yes
almost like me
kiddign kidding
we bask in the rays of your fabulous personage
basking i say
eM: we allow basking, graciously
it's a hard life
but someone has to do it
Chitgo: such generous souls
i dont allow basking. its bad for my cooleth
and i have a cold now btw
we didnt accidentally make out that night did we? cos nothing else explains this sudden under weather feeling:P
damn u eM, the germs are upon me
eM: i don't THINK we made out :)
Chitgo: hahahaha
eM: but i can never be sure these days
Chitgo: hHahaha
shut up, silly girl
eM: if it makes you feel any better, one flatmate has also been stricken
struck even
Chitgo: damn
u are the plague
eM: i am NOT
just coz i'm hot people want to be close to me
Chitgo: ahahahahaha
eM: what can i do
Chitgo: yes. hot with DISEASE
eM: oh, stop l,aughing :P
most insulting
Chitgo: ur funny
eM: hmph!
Chitgo: no no ! so quickly she gets grumpy
eM: i'll have you know SOME people think i am fairly attractive :P
oh i'm not angry!!
just bantering
Chitgo: dude, did i ever deny that?
eM: i am a banterer
Chitgo: ur just fishing for compliments now
which ive more than supplied u with :P
eM: me? fish for compliments?
Chitgo: hahhaha
eM: besides, i don't fish
i whale, baby
(winky type face thing here)
Chitgo: i whale?
eM: as in whale= bigger than fish
Chitgo: hahahahah BAD joke
but taken in good spirit
eM: tequila one hopes
(that one made even me cringe)
Chitgo: aargh
eM: i am FULL of bad jokes today
also in good mood
which is excellent
sun is shining lalalalala
Chitgo: :) i love good mood type people
weather is good..make u wanna move...
bob marley - sun is shining remix rules
eM: have not heard
Chitgo: yeah
very old
but very catchy dancy number
eM: i want o have parteeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
and dress prettilt
prettily, i mean
Chitgo: hahahaha
eM: and have people come over and tell me they love me
Chitgo: :)
so have party na!
eM: i love hostessing
i vill, i vill
Chitgo: i have 2 parties coming up in november
eM: on october the 28th
Chitgo: birthday and house warming in gurgaon
eM: whyfor two?
which one am i invited to?
Chitgo: both moron
october 28th?
eM: halloween!!
Chitgo: hahha
eM: which is on 31st
Chitgo: with theme and all??
eM: which is a tuesday
Chitgo: oh ok
eM: but naturellement, cherie
theme is essential
Chitgo: sacre bleu
eM: no costume=no entry
Chitgo: god damn. can i wear a batman t-shirt?
eM: nooooooooooooo
Chitgo: ill stand outside your house and have my own party
the 'too cool' for theme type people will join me
which will be all of 1 person- me
eM: :)
you CAN'T
you’re my JUNIOR
Chitgo: hahahahahahahahahaha
eM: i order you
Chitgo: for all eternity:)
eM: :)
being a junior doesn't just go away you know
tsk, i am surprised at your attitude young man
stand tall, be proud!! :)
Chitgo: hahaha
i do:)
whats not to be proud of?
have u seen me:P:)
eM: ahhhhhh, this is true
fine upstanding citzen
etc :)
Chitgo: strapping young lad
as they say
eM: doesn't return phone calls
Chitgo: with a hint of mischief
eM: but still, somewhat fine
Chitgo: i am never going to hear the end of that am i ?
eM: no, actually :)
Chitgo: damn
eM: it's RUDE not to call your friends back!!
RUDE i tell you
okay fine
don't go away!
we still like you!
Chitgo: we ?
suddenly ur a group?
eM: my multiple personalities
and i
of course i'm a group!
Chitgo: god damn
eM: i'm a whole CITY
Chitgo: groupie does not equal group eM
sorry, i crack myself up
you're a whole CITY?
eM: now THAT was a bad joke
ya dude
Chitgo: hahaha
eM: eM land
it's a wonderful place
Chitgo: listen, it was almost jayt leno compared to WHALE
eM: when one compares oneself to jay leno, one knows ones humour is not, shall we say, exactly funny
Chitgo: u dont think jay leno is funny?
eM: noooooooooooooooooooo
he is strange
Chitgo: then we disagree mon ami, for along with dave chappell, conan o brien and russell peters, jay leno is god
eM: dave chappel, yes
conan o' brien, welllllll, okay
elen degneres is also good
but jay leno? you can do so so so much better
Chitgo: no way...the guy has had some awesome moments
and his semi-italian roots rule
eM: anyway.
so friday! boss has given me a bottle of port wine!
small bottle, but bottle
come and partake?